Congratulations to Ariana Gabriel Carillo, who recently earned their Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Colorado Technical University.
Ariana was recognized as the Salt River Higher Education Student of the Month at the December Salt River Schools Education Board meeting. Here is the statement Ariana read at the Board meeting:
Dear Family and Friends,
I am truly overcome with emotion as I celebrate a significant milestone today, Monday, October 7th, 2024. I am beyond proud to announce that I have satisfactorily completed all the requirements to obtain my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a focus in Project Management, Project Analytics, and Project Procurement. This has been one of the longest and most challenging journeys of my life, but as they say, what doesn’t break you only makes you stronger.
Throughout this journey, I have gained immense insight and perspective into the world of business administration. There have been many people who have helped me along the way, guiding me to become a success story. While I can't thank everyone individually without feeling like I'd leave someone out, I must first give all glory to God. I want to thank His son, Jesus Christ, for dying for our sins and redeeming us. Without God, I wouldn’t have been able to face the many adversaries that came against me.
When I first began this journey, I told God, “If this is what you want me to do, you will open all the doors to make it possible.” Now, as I stand here on the final day of this chapter, I am in awe of how perfectly and wonderfully He has made it all work out. There are no words to fully express my gratitude to Him—thank you, Lord!
To my family and friends, thank you for your unwavering encouragement, support, and help. Without you, I would not be standing here today. I want to especially thank my Auntie Gloria, Auntie Vee, and Bronson Taylor for their transportation to and from all the places I needed to be. I must also extend my thanks to the late Andrew Price and Erica Litz for believing in me.
I also want to recognize the Higher Education Program and my academic advisor, Erica Outcalt, who saw me through the toughest times. I am also thankful for WIOA, James Smith, Crystal Benguelos, Carla Benguelos, and my best friends Virginia Mack and Jennifer Smith. Rosalinda Joachin Segovia and the Salinas-Segovia family, Anthony and Brian Arellano, and my siblings Deann Kavoka, Yolanda Thomas, Michelle Lewis, Jeffery Thomas, Brian Thomas, Joann Pablo, Heather Tasqinth, Brielle Manakaja, and James October Thomas—thank you. There are many more who have been part of this journey, and I love and thank each of you.
With heartfelt gratitude,
Gilbert Lee Carillo