First Friday Chats

First Friday Chats
Posted on 02/12/2024
This is the image for the news article titled First Friday ChatsOur chats occur the first Friday of every month, September-May feature our Higher Education staff, as well as guest speakers within and around the Community.

The next First Friday Chat will be held March 1, 2024.

We look forward to you joining us at these virtual chat sessions. We will discuss important information about college and career-related topics, including applications, funding, scholarships, counseling, and so much more!

Ask questions, get advice, learn from the experts, and feel confident about your higher education goals. Chat sessions are scheduled the first Friday of every month from 10-11 a.m. via Microsoft Teams. Everyone is invited!

Email [email protected] to register for the meeting link or to ask questions!

Past Chats (2023-24SY)

Feb. 2: This month's First Friday Chat features Steven Tokos, Assistant Director ASU Financial Aid Outreach Initiatives Admission Services, and Natalynne Rogers, Associate Director Indigenous Student Recruitment Admission Services. The dynamic duo discussed applying for financial aid at ASU for the 2024-25 school year.

Be sure to check out these important links discussed in the video.

You can find time stamps to the various topics discussed on our YouTube page.

Dec. 1: This Higher Education First Friday Chat features Karina Watson, an SRPMIC Heath Educator. This presentation, "Stress Less 101," features relaxation techniques, healthy living, and positive thinking strategies. Questions? Call Higher Education at 480-362-2547. Click here to view the video on YouTube (the video description includes time stamps).

Oct. 6: Higher Education program staff Mario West and Davina Leon provide information about important changes to the FAFSA. Questions? Call Higher Education at 480-362-2547 or email [email protected].

Sept. 1: Rebeca Ronstadt-Contreras, Higher Education Program Manager, gives an overview of Higher Education, including applying for scholarships, funding deadlines, advisors, and more! Click over to the YouTube description for time stamps of different topics.

We've had a lot of great chat sessions in the past. Check out our archives!

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