"Student Stories: My Higher Education Experience" is an ongoing series of interviews of student participants in the Salt River Schools Higher Education program.
These videos highlight the students' post-secondary education experience and to help to inspire younger generations to start their own journeys to higher education.
Featured in this video is Andre Enas, Jr., a 2018 graduate of Salt River High School and a current (2018-19 SY) student studying nursing at
Grand Canyon University.
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Video Dialogue
Let’s go visit Andre’s dorm at Grand Canyon University!
Here it is, straight ahead!
At Andre’s dorm. Andre: “What’s up, Mario (Higher Education Advisor)? This is my dorm this is where I stay. There are four guys in here including myself. There are two in ther., I’m in there with another roommate. This is my bed, this is where I study and this is all food. This is my roommate, this is my roommate Yonnie!”
Why Nursing? Andre: “I don’t know I just really liked it. I had clinicals where I worked in the hospital for 12-hour shifts. And I just liked the atmosphere that the nurses had with the patients, and, yeah, just taking care of patients. Same thing I was doing, same thing I would’ve been doing in fire [as in fire department] but this time I get to see it like all the way through.”
What’s something new that you do here at college? Andre: “I started making my bed but like, when I’m late during classes I just leave it. But it’s usually made a lot.”
What advice would you give to your peers or siblings? Andre: "I don’t know, pay attention in school, it makes college a lot easier.”
What do you want to do after you graduate? Andre: “Pretty sure they are building a hospital in a couple of years [in the Salt River Community] by the time I will be done and graduated. Hopefully I can go back and work there and, like, help the people that., like, I knew in high school, elementary,.”
Do you miss the Rez life? Andre: “Laugh, haha, ok!”
Let’s go check out the campus.
Saying Hi to classmates
Let’s go!
Building 57. Science Bldg, where cadavers are. Andre: “Ok so like this building right here, building 57 is kinda like the science building.”
Andre: "I’m happy I chose GCU!"
Showing off Higher ED folder
Advisor (off camer): “Say Frybread!”
Andre: “Oh, no!”
Till next time Andre!
Wait we forgot to give thanks! Andre: “Something I would like, something I would like to say to the Community is, like, thank you for all the help and everything like you guys did, because none of it's possible without you. Well, it is, but it would be a long, long, longer road, harder road, yeah!”