"Student Stories: My Higher Education Experience" is an ongoing series of interviews of student participants in the Salt River Schools Higher Education program.
These videos highlight the students' post-secondary education experience and help to inspire others to start their own journeys to higher education.
This video highlights
Nicole Carlos, a recent graduate of
Arizona College where she studied to become a medical assistant; she was recently hired to work within the Community. That's what we call putting the "hire" in Higher Ed! We're so proud of her accomplishments and can't wait to see what she does next!
Video Dialogue: “Hi, My name is Nicole Carlos, I’m a recent graduate from Arizona College. I went from a stay-at-home mom to student on the Dean’s List. With the assistance of the Higher Education program, I was able to obtain my certifications and current employment. It is my wish that you will take advantage of the same opportunities that I did.”