Student Stories: Creative Native Graduates from SCC

Student Stories: Creative Native Graduates from SCC
Posted on 06/13/2019
This is the image for the news article titled Student Stories: Creative Native Graduates from SCCName: Levi G. Johnson Sr.
School: Scottsdale Community College
Degree: Associate of Applied Science in Graphic Design: Visual Communication

Tell us about your educational background.
Since graduating from Westwood High School in the class of 2000, I have been furthering my education. I attended the Arizona Automotive Institute in Glendale and received two occupational associate’s degrees, for automotive autotronics and diesel technology. After that I earned an office technology certificate from Gateway Community College, and now I have my AAS in graphic design visual communication.

Describe your most rewarding college experience(s).
My most rewarding college experience would be the interaction with all of my instructors, because they have lived in the industry. They are knowledgeable and have an overwhelming passion for the work they teach. They commonly share their real-world experience and in-depth knowledge. Scottsdale Community College’s graphic design program has been the best college experience so far. It has really pushed my creative abilities beyond my normal extension to design real-life application projects in a timely manner and to think of unique, creative concept ideas. I would have never thought of achieving these ideas before if it weren’t for the SCC graphic design program.

What are your future plans?
I plan to take the summer off and come full swing in the fall to start my bachelor of applied science degree in graphic information technology at Arizona State University’s Polytechnic campus. But for now, I’ll be spending some quality time with my family for sure. Unless they get tired of me; then I’ll be job hunting.

What do you hope to accomplish in the next 10 years?
I would like to have a nice job with benefits and maybe a house.

Who or what influenced you to go to school?
My family was my inspiration to go back to school. I wish I had listened to them a lot sooner. Graduating has boosted my self-confidence even further knowing that I have completed my academic goals at a college level. This has been a great achievement I have set for myself and for my family. Now, I can push my kids to achieve and go beyond my level of education. My parents instilled in me the importance of receiving a good education and to listen and learn when someone is offering to teach you something new.

Did you face any obstacles while attending college/university? If so, how did you overcome them?
The main obstacle that I faced was myself. It’s hard to set aside time to study and for family. It isn’t easy or perfect, but it can be done.

What advice would you give to people considering higher education?
There’s no time like the present, so get on it and get your learn on. Inspire someone else that you know.

Is there anyone you would like to thank?
I would like to thank my wife, family, children, friends; SCC staff and the SCC American Indian Program; the Salt River Higher Education Department and program advisor Denelle Prieto; the Salt River Vocational Rehabilitation Program and program counselor Valerie Denight; and Amy Francisco, case manager, Salt River WIA Program. Thank you all for your assistance, dedication and belief in my capabilities of successfully achieving my educational goals.

Who are your parents and grandparents?
My parents are Diane J. Johnson and Leland M. Johnson. My siblings are Shawn Johnson and Marissa Johnson. My grandparents on my dad’s side are Barbara C. Johnson and Lloyd F. Johnson. My grandparents on my mother’s side are Andrew “Andy” Enas and Delphina K. Wilson-Enas.


This article was written by Marissa Johnson and originally printed in the June 6, 2019, issue of O'odham Action News. It is republished here with permission.

The Salt River Higher Education Program is proud to help support students like Levi Johnson reach their academic and professional dreams. For more information about financial aid, contact the Higher Education Program today at 480-362-2547 or email [email protected].
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