Higher Education Students: Please be advised that the CONVID-19 pandemic has put extreme limitations on SRPMIC offices, including access to their services. This includes the SRPMIC Finance department, which is now mailing all payments, including payments made to Higher Education participants,who do not already use direct deposit or pay cards.
If you already use direct deposit or a pay card to receive your payments, then you don't need to do anything at this time. However, if you normally pick up your payment, it's now going to be mailed to your home address, which could take a few days. We would like to encourage our students to update their method of payment to one of two payment options made available by SRPMIC:
Option 1: Direct Deposit
- What is it? ACH Vendor Payment (direct deposit) is a system that automatically deposits your payment directly into your account at any financial institution that is a member of an automated clearing house.
- Click here to download the ACH-Vendor Authorization Form. FAQs are provided on page two of this form.
- Be sure to include a copy of a voided check or a document from your bank with direct deposit instructions.
- Email the form and documents (identified above) to the Salt River Higher Education Program Accountant at [email protected].
- Once the form and documents have been received, reviewed, and accepted they will be submitted to SRPMIC Finance. Please allow 10 business days for your method of payment to be updated. You will receive notification from our program accountant once it has been updated.
Option 2: Pay Card
- What is it? The pay card is a reloadable, prepaid debit card issued by U.S. Bank. It provides an electronic option for receiving your payments. It is NOT a credit card, but works similarly to other debit cards. Your payments will be automatically direct deposited to your card and your funds are protected if your card is lost or stolen. Click here for more information from SRPMIC Finance.
- Complete Pay Card Authorization Form.
- Email [email protected] with the message that you are interested in the pay card as your preferred form of payment. Please provide your current phone number with your email.
- Higher Education will notify SRPMIC Finance of your interest in the pay card via email (you will be courtesy copied in the correspondence) and will provide them with your email address and a phone number.
- You will receive a secure email from SRPMIC Finance with instructions on how and where to send the completed Pay Card Authorization form and additional secured documents. All communication regarding your pay card will then come from SRPMIC Finance.
Both of these options are available to all Community members and will allow you to receive your funds quicker than waiting for a check to be mailed. This is strictly voluntary and you are not required to select either of these options. This is a courtesy made available to you so you may access your funds more quickly than waiting for a mailed check.
Questions? Email us anytime (please remember we have virtual office hours weekdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.).