
Our Mission

To create a balance of exemplary education and the O’Odham and Piipaash cultures to ensure a positive future for our children and our Community.

Our Vision

We set the standards for effective management of services and resources by creating policies and procedures that guide our decisions. We are accountable and responsible for managing our resources that meets or exceeds the educational needs of all students.

We employ committed, highly qualified and effective teachers and staff who are skilled in educating and serving our diverse student population. We mentor, encourage and provide opportunities to Community members to teach and serve our students.

Student Performance, Support, and Curriculum
Our curriculum is designed to honor the O‘Odham and Piipaash cultures and the uniqueness and importance of Tribal sovereignty. We support all parents in being a part of the education of our children. We recognize the importance of education and encourage our students of all ages to continue to excel in their educational endeavors.

We continuously expand and enhance our campus to accommodate the growing population and educational needs of our Community.

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